Richard W. “Rick” Haley

Rick Haley accountant cpa audit manager

Rick Haley

Managing Partner

As the managing partner, Rick will have responsibility for the overall quality of the audit. He will be responsible for ascertaining that professional and regulatory standards have been complied with throughout the engagement.


Summary of experience

Rick has more than 35 years of public accounting experience working with nonprofit organizations, governmental entities, and privately owned and venture-backed companies. During his tenure with RSM, he provided accounting and auditing services to over 40 national and local nonprofit organizations while working with the Washington D.C. and Birmingham offices. He also has extensive experience with compliance audits in accordance with the provisions of Uniform Guidance, mergers and acquisitions, due-diligence and internal control analysis.  Prior to joining RSM in 2014 from which he retired in April 2020, Rick began his career and spent the eight years providing audit services at two Big Four firms. Then he served as the partner in charge of the audit practice at a local Birmingham firm for 22 years.

Phone: 205-243-2715

Email: [email protected]

Address: 4220 Cahaba Heights Court | Suite 201 | Birmingham, AL 35243
