Single Audit Services
A substantial number of our nonprofit clients receive federal funds and require a single audit in accordance with the requirements of Title 2 U.S. Code of Federal Regulations Part 200, Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards (Uniform Guidance). Our team of professionals possesses comprehensive knowledge of accounting requirements, federal procurement regulations and cost-accounting standards and their impact on nonprofit organizations.
Through our extensive past experience and now with H&W, we have performed hundreds of single audits and have received extensive training in governmental accounting, auditing and financial reporting. In addition, our auditors who perform single audits receive specialized training on the compliance requirements of Uniform Guidance and the use of the related compliance supplements.
Our engagement team brings in-depth knowledge of Uniform Guidance, as interpreted by government auditors, positioning them to assist you in your administration of federal awards and compliance with the cost principles and audit requirements found in Uniform Guidance.
We can deliver more than just an interpretation of the rules and regulations as they exist. Our professionals will give you insight into how the federal government operates, removing the burden of having to train staff in the intricacies of government grant administration, tax and federal regulations.